

Reflection in times of the Virus, 25 March 2020.pdf

Survival in times of the Virus, 16 March 2020.pdf

Lessons from Global Slowdown in times of the virus, 8 March 2020.pdf

Curious Case of Corona Virus, 3 March 2020.pdf (published in Permaculture News LINK)

Nexus in Bhutan: Soil, Water, Land, Farming and Climate Resilient Local Ecosystems – 2015

Ecology of Wellbeing – Nirmala Nair – Mind-Shift – Autumn 2008.pdf

Rituals of Eating – Nirmala Nair – 2005.pdf

Agenda – Nirmala Nair – 2004.pdf

A Touch of Madness – Nirmala Nair – 2004.pdf

The Sacred Act of Living Sustainably – Nirmala Nair.pdf


Run by Permaculture Research Institute, Channon, NSW Australia, this is a great site and an inspiration for many small groups and individuals to pursue permaculture officially and unofficially. The site is full of very interesting materials, and news from around the world as well as a major site carrying news about key educational trainings, and certification programs on Permaculture Design Courses (PDC)
Southern Africa’s unique NGO primarily harnessing youth energies to celebrate forestry, planting and greening.
Founder Chris Decker comments” Low-tech Magazine refuses to assume that every problem has a high-tech solution. “…
Low-tech Magazine talks about the potential of past and often forgotten knowledge and technologies when it comes to designing a sustainable society…”.
Tarayana is a national NGO of Bhutan started by Her Majesty Queen Mother, Ashee Dorjee Wanghuck in 2003. Tarayana works in poorest of the poor villages in remote districts focusing on integrated sustainable rural development.
Samdhana Institute, Bogor, Indonesia gave the first opportunity to test out School of Practical Sustainability dreams, visions and designs through a series of reflective design workshops with many partner NGO’s of Samdhana scattered from forests of West Java, Papua to Nusa Tangara, Timor.
Donella Meadows Fellows Network operates from Vermont, USA. Untill recently a small group of selected Fellows came together every year to retreat, refresh and reflect on Donella Meadows work, systems thinking, exchange, sharing and visioning. School of Practical Sustainability idea was born in sone such Visioning retreat at Cobb Hill Vermont.


Garut, West Java, Indonesia 2012

Simple seed room in a local farmers makeshift seed drier – Garut, West Java, Indonesia 2012